Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shortcut Keys

Every Computer users need to know about of shortcut keys for save time and it helps us to do quickly finish a task so follow our post and learn more.  


Windows key  –  Access start menu.

Windows key + Pause  –  Open system properties.

Windows key + D  –  Minimize/restore windows.

Windows key + E  –  Open Windows Explorer Window.

Windows key + F  –  Open Window’s Search Box.

Windows key + F1  –  Open Help And Support Center.

Windows key + M  –  Minimize all windows.

Windows key + SHIFT + M  –  Restore all windows.

Windows key + TAB  –  Move through open windows on taskbar.

CTRL + ESC  –  Open start menu.

CTRL + A  –  Select all.

CTRL + C  –  Copy.

CTRL + S  –  Save document.

CTRL + V  –  Paste.

CTRL + X  –  Cut.

CTRL + Z  –  Undo.

CTRL + B  –  Bold highlighted text.

CTRL + U  –  Underline highlighted text.

CTRL + I  –  Italicize highlighted text.

CTRL + ALT + DELETE  –  Open task manager

Thank you for learning with us.


  1. I want many more shortkut key like this. Thank you pcexercise
